COVID-19 Programming Update

Safe, Fun, Learning is the cornerstone for CBC’s mission. We strive to offer a safe environment for kids- socially, emotionally, and physically – built around fun engaging activities. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have had to make drastic changes to our programming in order to uphold these core tenets. The coming weeks are largely unpredictable, but our staff at CBC are following the most up to date CDC and state guidelines to provide programming. We will be sure to update our website with any new information as we receive it. Thank you for supporting the Community Boating Center, and we hope to see you this summer!

Youth Program Updates

Last updated 7/24/2020

Summer Youth Sailing Program

The Community Boating Center summer youth sailing program is underway! So far, we have had two weeks of open enrollment and have seen lots of smiling faces! Our sailing and windsurfing sessions are currently full, however, we will probably add spots before the end of the season, so we encourage you to sign up for our waitlist. There is NO FEE to be on the waitlist, so don’t let that stop you from signing up! When spots open up, we will give you a call.


We will be reducing our student numbers to follow state guidelines. Participants will be assigned into Pods

    • Pod size will be determined by state regulations
    • Pods will not interact with each other
    • Pods will remain with the same instructors throughout the session
    • Each pod will have their own facility and classroom.
Student pulling in a jib on sonar

Additional Safety Measures

    • All staff and participants are required to wear a cloth face covering and maintain 6’ social distancing separation from other people as much as possible while at CBC.
    • Check In
      • We will institute a daily screening process during student drop off and check in. check system. Please check back for further guidelines.
    • More to follow
Alani, a junior instructor, hiking out
Adult lessons on a Sonar

Adult Program Updates

Last updated 6/14/2020

We still plan to run our sailing classes, private lessons, skippered sails, and Safe Powerboat Handling courses. We will update this page with new information as it is released. 

sail boat black

Summer Youth Sailing Registration

At CBC we offer sailing lessons to everyone. No child is too young and no adult is too old. Lessons are especially fun for families or small groups.


Sailing Into Knowledge at Home

Providing STEAM based activities and learning for sailors to enjoy from home


Community Boating Center Inc

Community Boating Center of New Bedford is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization which teaches positive life values to youth through boating.

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