15th Annual

Opening of
the Bay

Online Fundraiser and Celebration


damfino sailing from her port side








Make a difference!

students sailing on pico

We are happy to announce that we will be hosting our 15th Annual Opening of the Bay at 7pm, on Thursday, May 27, 2021 virtually. Despite the event being canceled last year, due to the pandemic, we were able, with the help of our wonderfully generous sponsors and supporters, to raise over $100,000.00. Which was then matched not once, but twice! All funds raised, went directly to providing New Bedford students a safe, fun, educational, and healthy summer.

We will miss being together with you this year, in person, but look forward to being together virtually to have some CBC fun, while raising funds for CBC students. Supporting this annual fundraiser is what enables our students to participate free of charge. Your support is what empowers CBC to present these deserving kids with the opportunity to get off the streets and onto the water.


Become a Sponsor

By helping us underwrite the Opening of the Bay, you enable our students to participate in our Summer Youth Sailing Program free of charge. Your support is what empowers CBC to get these kids onto the water!

Sponsorship Commitment Formopens PDF file


Donate to the Silent Auction

Want to donate an item or experience toward our Silent Auction? Please fill out the auction commitment form with your donated goods or services or email Amy Larkin at alarkin@communityboating.orgcreate new email

volunteering hands icon

Become a Volunteer

We are always looking for volunteers to help on the planning and auction committees.  Sign-up to be a volunteer HERE.


Community Boating Center Inc

Community Boating Center of New Bedford is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization which teaches positive life values to youth through boating.

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